Living God's Way in an Ungodly World
In a world that makes up its own rules, it is important for Christians to stay focused on the One who still rules...Jesus Christ. Come and listen to the great Gospel message, learn about the love Jesus Christ has for you, and know what God's word, the Holy Bible, has to say about overcoming the challenges of following Jesus in a world that no longer wants Him.
Living God's Way in an Ungodly World
From Judgment to Love: A Christian's Journey
Experience a transformative understanding of love, judgment, and the Christian life as I unpack the teachings of 1 John 4:17-21. Have you ever wondered how you can stand boldly on the day of judgment? In this episode, I promise to reveal how perfected love equips us for that very moment. I'll discuss the distinctions between the judgment seat of Christ for believers and the white throne of judgment for non-believers, and explore how our deeds will be tested by fire, enduring only if done for God's glory. Learn why loving others is not just a command but a divine reflection of our love for God, serving as a call to prioritize heavenly treasures over earthly comforts.
Join me as I continue with "The Command to Love Others," where we dissect the true essence of love as depicted in the Bible. Too often, personal biases can distort our image of God, leading to justifications for hatred or indifference. I'll challenge these misconceptions and underline John's message that true love for God is inseparable from our love for others. Discover practical ways to exhibit this love through acts of service, sacrifice, and genuine investment in the lives of fellow believers. By putting the needs of others first and sharing our lives within our faith community, we can truly live out God's command to love our neighbors and fortify our faith. Don't miss this heartfelt discussion designed to inspire and challenge your walk with Christ.
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Hello and good day. I am BR Maul and this is Living God's Way in an Ungodly World. It's good to have you here with me. Thank you so much for joining. I do hope that all is going well for you and your loved ones for joining. I do hope that all is going well for you and your loved ones. We are here to learn more of God's Word and to discuss the importance of living God's way and not just reading about God in the Bible.
B.R.Maul:We are still in 1 John and today we will end chapter 4. We'll be going through verses 17 through 21. As usual, I'll go ahead and read the scripture first and then we'll stop and go back and we'll break it down. Verse 17. Love has been perfected among us in this. That we may have boldness in the day of judgment Because, as he is, so are we in this. That we may have boldness in the day of judgment because, as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love has not been made perfect in love. We love him because he first loved us. If someone says I love God and hates his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? And this commandment we have from him seen, and this commandment we have from him, that he who loves God must love his brother also. Heavenly Father, I pray you open the hearts of those who are listening, lord. Help them to confront any pride, any insecurities, anything else, lord, that may be holding them back to being able to just accept your words and respond to the Holy Spirit. And protect my lips, lord, that nothing I utter is for my own gain, but only for the sake of teaching your word. I come to you and pray to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen, all right, beloved. So we will back up to verse 17, as has been the case for the last couple of months as we have been going through the book of 1 John. If you are only tuning in now, you can back up and eventually you will find that I have covered 1 John from the very beginning, verse by verse. And if you go back even further, I've done that with the book of James. So far as well.
B.R.Maul:As usual, you are welcome to contact me. There are several ways of doing that. If you are listening at a podcast in a directory like Spotify or Apple or other directories for podcasts, I have a message me tab. Go ahead and click on that. It's a one-way, not a two-way conversation, so you can let me know how I'm doing. Or you can ask me questions. I am unable to respond to those. So if you do want a response, just make sure you leave me your email. Otherwise, you can go to my website that's brmaulcom brmaulcom and just click on contact and fill that out. Pretty short, just basically your email and your questions. Send that in to me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
B.R.Maul:So let's go ahead and dive right into this. So John tells us in verse 17, love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgment. So there's that day of judgment. We know that there is that day coming. We're told that in many places in the Bible. Now, for born-again believers, the judgment seat of Christ. That is where we will stand before our Savior, who has paid our sin debt and has making it so, so we do not have to go through the wrath of God because he has paid that. However, before our beloved Savior, we will indeed stand as all of our deeds over our lifetime passes through the fire, and that which is burned up like straw and hay, those are all works that we have done for our self, whether it is flat-out selfish works that we have done, or not even necessarily selfish, but it wasn't for the kingdom. But then those that remain, those that can withstand the fire like gold and silver, those are acts that we have done for our treasures in heaven witnessing to people about Jesus, helping people out, being kind, giving our money, giving our talent, giving our time to help people in whatever way we can, to glorify him, not to glorify ourselves. That kind of stuff will pass through the fire, and what remains, apparently that's going to be our treasure in heaven.
B.R.Maul:And what treasure in heaven looks like beloved? I really don't know. That's all I can say, though, is that it's going to be amazing. I don't doubt that at all. But what about the other day of judgment? You might be thinking what? There's two? Yes, because the judgment seat of Christ that is reserved only for his people, his children. But at the end of time itself, when all is said and done. Well, then there's the white throne of judgment, those who have not accepted Jesus Christ. They must pay for their own sins themselves, and that's when they will be cast into the eternal lake of fire, into hell.
B.R.Maul:Now John is saying that we may have boldness in the day of judgment. Well, why is that? Well, the second part of verse 17, he says because, as he is Christ, how Christ is, so are we in this world. We're not here to make the best of everything. This isn't our home. We are sojourners, we are passing through and hopefully you are building your treasures in heaven, beloved.
B.R.Maul:And what does that mean? What does that look like? Well, it means that we are going to give up things on this side of the grave things of this world that may give us some comfort, such as our reputations, because Jesus made it clear there will be plenty of people who hate you because they already hated him. They don't like the gospel message and they hate Jesus, and so they hate those who follow him. And, of course, we'll give up money to help other people. We're not going to keep it all for ourself.
B.R.Maul:I'm not advocating that you give everything away. We're not going to keep it all for ourself. I'm not advocating that you give everything away. There's nothing honorable about that if it's for the wrong reasons. But we're told we do not store our goods up in barns and then build bigger barns and keep storing more and more Because we can't take it with us, so we don't have to worry about the day of judgment. There is absolutely nothing for a born-again believer to worry about. Not at all, Because we have Jesus Christ as our advocate. He's already paid our sin debt. That Bill is done and over with, and so we can rest peacefully, knowing that here and now is the absolute worst it gets for those who are following Jesus, who are born again. Unfortunately, that's not the same for those who are not following Jesus, who are stuck in other religions, who are stuck in their own traditions, and they are putting everything they have into that, but they're not loving Jesus. And many, by the way, do know who Jesus is, but they're not loving Jesus and many, by the way, do know who Jesus is. Many, many billions of people know of Jesus and of those billions, well, there's, without a doubt, millions and millions of those who know a lot about Jesus, especially in countries like the United States that I'm in, where there's so much access to the Bible. We have no excuse. We have churches on every other block in our towns and our cities. It's no secret, in fact, the United States is founded on the Christian principles, on so much of God's Word.
B.R.Maul:In verse 18, john says there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. Some interpretations say punishment, but he who fears has not been made perfect in love. All right, let's talk about fear for a few minutes. So, first of all, there is no fear in love. If there is fear in love, then it's not agape love. It's not the kind of love that John is talking about here. It's not the kind of love that God has given us through his Holy Spirit.
B.R.Maul:If there's fear in love, well then this would be the cheap love, or at least cheaper, worldly love, love that has selfishness attached to it. Whether receiving it or giving it, there's always some motivation behind the love that we give. That's worldly, and that's why there is fear that's mixed up in this kind of love, the fear of losing that person that you love so much and you've told them that you love them more than anyone else, but for whatever reason, as time goes on, or it seems like he or she is losing interest, or there's others in the picture that could take that person away, and there's jealousy involved, all kinds of things can happen. And then there's that fear of losing that loved one. Well, in the love of Christ, there is no fear, absolutely no fear in agape love, because John says perfect love casts out fear. You catch that Perfect love casts out fear Because fear involves torment.
B.R.Maul:Agape love there's no strings attached to that, and you can feel it right To my brothers and sisters in the faith, when you do something out of pure kindness, for the sake of the fact that you know Jesus loves you. So whether you give of your time, treasures or talent, there's no strings attached. You're not expecting anything in return, and that feels good. Loving others that way, well, it's the same love that we have received from our Savior. How many times do we mess things up? And yet he forgives us. He loves us so much. And for the many out there in this world that they don't have somebody who just truly loves them, my heart goes out to you. But know this that Jesus Christ, he loves you, he loves you unconditionally, and if you are waiting to become a better person before you go to Jesus, well then you're taking the wrong direction, because he loves you so much. Jesus wants you to come to him just the way you are. How different that is right From the love of this world when I was younger and dating.
B.R.Maul:What does a person do? Clean themselves up, make sure I look my best, make sure I act my best. I want to try to get things in my life nice and straight, nice and clear. That way I give a good impression. But Jesus, no, not for him. He says come as you are, bring your brokenness to me. There's nothing to fear at all.
B.R.Maul:And John even says but he who fears has not been made perfect in love. That doesn't mean that, agape, love makes us perfect. We're not going to be able to hit perfection Again. That will be in our glorified state, once we are made anew and we no longer are living in these sin-infested bodies and minds of ours. So we're not perfect, but living out that life gives us the perfect life. He who fears has not been made perfect in love. When you have that love, when you are loving Jesus and you're letting Jesus love you, you're walking with him and you're reading his word, you're praying to him, that fear goes away. There's nothing to fear. What is there to fear? Don't have to fear about starving to death, because God makes it clear, I will take care of you. Jesus even said to his disciples fear not God. The Father will give us food. God, the Father, will make sure we have clothes on our back. Not just because you said, yeah, sure, I'll follow Jesus. No, because you love him and you're doing everything you can to follow in his ways and by doing that, that's what makes you perfect. Not that you don't mess up, but he takes care of us, and not just basic necessities.
B.R.Maul:But we also don't need to fear our enemies. We don't have to fear death. If God is for us, who can be against us? And we don't have to fear those who can destroy the body but cannot destroy the soul. And who can destroy the soul? Any people that you know of? No, no one can do that. Oh, what about the demons? No, they can't. Oh, satan, he must be able to right. Nope, only one, only our Heavenly Father. Think about that.
B.R.Maul:For those who fear death because they fear the unknown, they fear because they have no idea what happens after they die, and I can't think of how horrible it is to be in a position where the very thought of death is horrifying, fearing Every time a person gets sick or every time they're afraid of the dark, every time something happens that they could lose their life and they don't know what's going to happen upon their death. That's horrifying, but we don't have to. Children of God, do not have to. There's nothing for us to fear because, absent from the body, is present with the Lord. If an enemy gets a hold of me and kills me, all right, that's all that person did is killed my body. I'm in heaven. I think of all those Hindus, muslims, atheists, even the millions who are in cults that use the name Jesus. They even call themselves Christians, but they're not. They go to church and they worship their tradition. My heart goes out to all of these people because they don't know Christ.
B.R.Maul:Verse 19,. We love him because he first loved us. We're not able to love on our own. Not the agape love Once a person is born again. We get this precious gift through the Holy Spirit, being able to love others unconditionally and to love our Lord in return. It certainly doesn't happen overnight. We're so used to loving selfishly. There's some growing pains in that, but the ability is there and it's amazing. It is amazing to love others unconditionally. This agape love, that's how we're light and salt. But we weren't able to love him. In fact, he loved us when we were still yet his enemy. Think about that, and that truly is amazing of how much he loves us. Verse 20.
B.R.Maul:If someone says I love God and hates his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? I sometimes think that, well, perhaps it's because it's easy to love a God that we have made in our mind. So if someone is saying that I love God and he hates his brother, well, john makes it clear he's a liar, so he truly does not love God, his brother. Well, john makes it clear he's a liar, so he truly does not love God. But for those who are convinced they are loving God but yet they can still have hate towards other people, well, I suggest then, perhaps, just because you are loving your own God, you have your own picture of who God is. You have made this God in your mind who really does accept the fact that you harbor hate towards other people and somehow this God of yours is okay with that because you're special and it's okay that you hate because life has been so hard on you After all, look at all the things that has happened to you in your life and so your God is okay with that.
B.R.Maul:You can go to church and you just have communion and you do what you need to do, and if you stick to your traditions at church, they certainly make you more comfortable. And certainly at holiday times, do all your traditions, keep things as familiar as you can, and you'll be okay. Well then, you're worshiping your own God. That's not the God of the Bible, because our God says if you do not love your brethren, if you do not love other people, well then you don't love me, because God is saying I am love.
B.R.Maul:Now, what does love look like? Beloved? Before we get to the last verse here, what does that look like? It looks like taking time to serve your brothers and sisters in Christ, even when you don't want to, when you would rather sit at home and do something else. But you're aware of a need and you can serve that need. Maybe it's as simple as just spending time with that person or people. Well, that's loving them. That's putting them above your own priorities, your own comfort.
B.R.Maul:Loving those who are in need, those who are in financial need that's common and putting aside things that we may want. So instead that money goes to helping others, whether it's the need for food and shelter or the need to hear God's word. When you support this ministry, you are being a part of that, because people are hearing this and from around the world, and that costs money. This and from around the world, and that costs money. So there's all kinds of way to love other people, but it means sacrificing. That's when you know you're loving other people, when we are sacrificing, when giving money to the point of it even hurts a little because, oh man, I could really use that, but you know you're doing the right thing. Maybe it's the time that you give. That hurts Because, oh boy, that would just be nice to do your own thing, but you know that there's a need out there, and so instead you're going to love them, you are going to go and spend time with them, you are going to go help them, whatever it is that you're doing.
B.R.Maul:I would even say we're loving one another when we meet weekly with our brothers and sisters in the faith. Have you thought of that? And I mean giving yourself, not just showing up? I hope you're not among those who just show up to church or just show up to a small group, you know, just to appease people. I mean really. Then forget it, just don't do it, because, remember, god knows your heart, god knows who's sincere, but when you go, because you want to invest in the lives of your brothers and sisters, your spiritual family, because even Jesus said who's my family? Well, my family, he said, are those around right now when he was teaching, and that's our family too. We have our family that we have blood connection to right, parents, siblings, extended family, yeah, and they're important.
B.R.Maul:But for those who are caught up in a family, who want nothing to do with Jesus, it doesn't mean that you give up your walk with Jesus. No, not at all. Find those who love the Lord, who are born-again believers like yourself, and get with them, invest in them, walk with them and together you open God's Word and you read God's Word. Together you open up, you share your hurts, you share your successes with one another and you hold each other up. That's loving, that's a sacrifice People need to give of their time, of their talent, of their treasure, all of that coming together. And the more you give, the more you love your brothers and sisters, the more that, even as a small group or a church, and you start taking that love out to the community and are doing it out of love. Whatever doing, it is how you can serve other people, whatever that might be.
B.R.Maul:We can back up to chapter 2, verse 28. And John says and now, little children abide in him that when he appears you catch that when he appears, not if when that's Jesus he's talking about that we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming. Well, and why is that? Well, we're not ashamed because we're loving each other and we are loving others. We are trying to get the word of God out to the world, to our communities, but we are also sacrificing the time that Jesus has given us. We ourselves, as born-again believers, we don't have our own time because, well, our life is no longer our life.
B.R.Maul:When you were born again, you committed to that. You had to admit that you were a sinner, that you are a sinner. You came to that reality and you forfeit your life to him. You are his slave. Now, even Paul said hey, that's great, being a bondservant to Jesus. That's awesome. What else is there to serve in this world? Nothing, there's nothing worth it. Who else is there to serve in this world? Compared to Jesus, no one. And since we need him to be able to love others, to truly love others in that agape love, not our selfish love, we need to be born again.
B.R.Maul:Well, the last verse in chapter 4 reads and this commandment we have from him that he who loves God must love his brother also. That he who loves God must love his brother also. Now there's some key words there for us that we better be mindful of, in verse 21. And this commandment, it's a command and it says we have from him. Our Lord and Savior has commanded us. This is not an option. If you are following Jesus Christ, you must do this. He who loves God must love his brother also. Brother being family, that's your spiritual family and this is the sacrificial love. Now we are to love even our enemies, yes, but we are to love our brothers and sisters in Christ, above and beyond those who are unbelievers. We must take care of one another.
B.R.Maul:Why am I such an advocate of coming together weekly with brothers and sisters in the faith. Because what family meets every two, three, four weeks and what family just meets at a church for an hour with everybody? Small groups are so important, beloved, because even at church, where we go to worship and there's classes there, I'm sure, depending on the size church that you're at, and there's classes there, I'm sure, depending on the size church that you're at they're teaching. So you're learning God's Word. That's great. But coming together in a small group and you really get to know one another and then truly loving one another, helping each other out every chance you get, not trying to get ahead of other people, but instead we put them above us and every chance we get we help them and being a part of the body of Christ. How we help one another, well, some of that depends on our spiritual gifts, and that's a whole other teaching. But every born-again believer has a spiritual gift and those spiritual gifts are to be used to serve your family. That's amazing that our Heavenly Father gives us these special skills to better the body of Christ and to glorify our God. Isn't that great. If you're a born-again believer and you're feeling alone, well, that means you need to come together with other born-again believers.
B.R.Maul:I just use meeting weekly because everything we do weekly truly becomes a part of who we are. Anything important in your life? Most things are done weekly. It becomes habitual, it just becomes part of your day-to-day living, and that is what I mean by it becomes a part of just who you are. You're so used to doing it. But if you want to meet more than once a week, more power to you. You'll just get to know each other and grow with each other, all the more so.
B.R.Maul:One more time that verse 21, john reminds us, and this commandment we have from him, our Lord and Savior, that he who loves God must love his brother also. No exceptions. There's no exceptions at all. I'm here for you, beloved. I love you very much. I hope and pray that you are indeed connected with the Lord. If there's anything I can do, if there's resources you're lacking, there's questions that you have, whatever I can do to help out. Well, as I've said, you can get a hold of me at my website, brmaulcom. Click on contact and email me and we'll start communicating. So keep reading his word, keep praying to him, do that daily. Click on Contact and email me and we'll start communicating. So keep reading his word, keep praying to him, do that daily.
B.R.Maul:Get together with your brothers and sisters, whether it's one or two, 10, 12. But get together with a small group, do it weekly and see how you guys grow with one another. And if you are fortunate to have a Bible-teaching and preaching church, please be mindful, beloved. We live in a day and age where the deception is deep and even many that look like they are church on the outside. They're picking and choosing what part of God's Word that they will listen to and in the meantime they are trying to fit into the world. They are trying to make people happy and feel good, and I want you to make sure that you test those spirits. Don't get caught up in that. But if you're fortunate enough to have a church body that comes together, they just love Jesus and the leadership teaches from God's Word directly. Well then, get involved. And until next time, God bless, thank you.